namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Direktlänk till inlägg 23 februari 2010

some about chakras

Av fredrik binette - 23 februari 2010 10:30

since in the last blog I mentioned the chakras [or the fact that AUM was i bija mantra wich is linked to a certain chakra] and also that someone at my lecture the other day asked about the chakras since I didn't go thru that.

each chakra have a colour, a vehicle, a mantra, it connects with nerve centers, glands, male & female energies, have a certain amount of lotus petals and so on...
there is so much info about the chakras, and also it might vary a bit depending on tradition..

so this is some general "facts" the way I have learned for the ones that are interested

we have 7 main chakras wihin our body, and they are lying along the spine up to the top of the head.
the word chakra means "wheel", and underneath the lowest chakra lies the kundalini"snake" coild up.
to get our kundalini energy to raise thru our largest nadi Sushumna [nadis is the subtle channel/vessles for our vital energy prana/apana] wich goes within our spinal cord, we have to open up the blockages in the chakras so the energy can flow free thru the "wheels" and reach all the way up to the top chakra and then we can connect with brahman [cosmos, universal energy, God etc].

to open up our chakras we use yoga, or parts of yoga philosophy.
mainly we actually do pranayama to "clean" and vitialize our nadis.
we also then get more free prana flow into the 2 second to main nadis "ida & pingala" [sushumna is the biggest, then these 2].
ida & pingala runs alternatively thru the chackras like a slalom alpine skiing course.
when are open and free also that means the chakras are open for the kundalini to araise.
sometimes we can also discover both mental & physical problems if not having balance in the chakras. or the opposit way, if we are not mentally balanced we might not be ready open certain chakras.
today there is a lot of talking abot each of the main chakras are at the same point as a main nerve center [plexus]..

the chakras from the bottom:

1. muladhara chakra
- bija: LAM
- perineum area/ coccygeal plexus
- earth element

2. swadistana chakra
- bija: VAM
- tailbone behind genitals/ prostate plexus
- water element

3. manipura chakra
- bija: RAM
- stomach/ solar plexus
- fire element

4. anahata chakra
- bija: YAM
- heart/ cardiac plexus
- air element

5. vishuddi chakra
- bija: HAM
- throat/ laryngeal plexus
- ether element

6. ajna chakra [third eye]
- bija: AUM
- between eyebrows/ cavernous plexus
- mind [manas]
this is where ida & pingala stops, not going furhter to next chakra, just opens the way to it..

7. sahasrara chakra
- head crown/ choroid plexus
no bija or element, most subtle chakra and when kundalini reaches here we submerge with universe [samadhi]

I quickly arranged a picture of my buddha partner "A" from when we were at angkor wat in cambodia with a simple [and far from exact] chakra "map" just for you to understand and get an over view of it...




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