namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Direktlänk till inlägg 2 april 2010

a yogic day

Av fredrik binette - 2 april 2010 22:53

so today I have had my small mini sadhana & fasting day he he
depending on how you cacluate I did a short fast of 24 or 13h only.
I didnt eat anything between yesterday evening about 21.00 and today at the same time.. or... if caclulate on a empty stomach is more since I woke up at 08.00 this monring until 21.00


so this is is a summary of my day then:

wake up slowly

a 50min morning walk with the dogs in the lovely spring morning sunshine.

came to my yoga studio buddha spa

a 30 minute meditation

today all thru I chose a spice/herbal tea [buddha's own detox tea blend] wich is a blend of: fennel seeds, peppercorns, dried ginger etc. with some honey.
that was the first intake of anything [even no water] at all today.

a 2h 25min quit gentle Sivananda Yoga Class incl 30 min pranayama.
I did 5minutes sirsasana [headstand] today, felt great but I was a bit tired in the shoulders a bit after that he he [been a while since I practiced with that length of time]

tea time again to get some energy after class

about 350ml freshly sqeezed orange juice

I took a 3o min walk to get some air and to get my mind of the rising hunger feeling ha ha

a 30 minute meditation again
tea time

30 minutes of more pranayama [kapalabhati & anuloma viloma]
a glass of carrot jiuce with 2 drops of lemonflavoured olive oil

going back home again

potato & leak soup topped with parmasano cheese and 2 pcs of garlic bread ends my day..

now I feel a bit tired in a good way after this day.
I was planning to fast until I wake up tomorrow but I felt very satisfied already and a bit un-energized and also my collegue became ill today so I dont wanted my immune defence going to low since I have around her last 2 days..

now I think it is tike to go to bed for a nice sleep, and tomorrow I have a yogaclass to teach in the morning : )


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