namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Direktlänk till inlägg 15 mars 2010

collarbone problem..

Av fredrik binette - 15 mars 2010 18:59

he he today I had an appointment with my chiropractor, I had almost like a small wryneck. it came when I slipped sligtly on the super slippery ice we have now on our sidewalks. just a tiny jerk with my head and the muscles "cramped", it felt very weird but it went rather deep.

so this happend last week, and during this weekend I got some massage from my partner and it helped a lot, and also I have done some light stretching.

as I have written earlier I have had a strange "pain" in my shoulder, just in some movements and it has felt almost like inflamed sometimes and all the way along the collarbone towards the neck.
nad also I have felt an feeling like my neck is more unstable in a strange way.
so probably my 2 month shoulder issue have afectde the neck and finally the defense kicked in when that small jerk came because I went just over what that part of my body hade energy to "fight".

so, my chiropractor said to me that basicly I had a (joint?) lock at the end of the collarbone [the clavicle] wich connects in the shoulder area, that make sence since the pain in the collarbone aswell, the feeling of strained muscle etc.
and he said some things tha could have provoked this, and I am kind of sure what it was he he.
so then he "unlocked it" and some other things that had joint locked aswell since my whole movement schedule has changed to avoid the pain I felt.

so now I looked around on the internet, and i found some parts that I think were spots where I have felt a sore feeling and it seams they have tendoin or ligament connections with the collarbone, so even more makes sence he he.
mostly I think!, it has affected a lot my functionality of the rotator cuff and also the mobility of the shoulderblade.


so I hope now the next few days it wil start to feel much better, so I will try to do some things to get circulation etc without straining these parts, so it slowly builds up and finds it normal behaviour again : )

I should defenetly take a anathomy course since I think it is so interesting!


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